General Manager - Jobs aa

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Mobile Bicycle Mechanic

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Location: London, Greater London

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Bike Mechanic

Employer: Broken Spoke Bike Co-op

Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire

Salary Range: Oxford Living Wage

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General Manager

Employer: Broken Spoke Bike Co-op

Location: Oxford, Oxfordshire

Salary Range: £33k or commensurate with experience (pro-rata)

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General Manager

This Job has been viewed 163 times

Broken Spoke Bike Co-op
Job reference
Oxford, Oxfordshire
Salary range
£33k or commensurate with experience (pro-rata)
Job added
26 March 25
Final date for applications
21 April 25

Job Description

The General Manager is a leadership role. Responsible for coordinating the work of Broken Spoke, ensuring that we deliver our Strategy and Business Plan in line with our organisational values. They will support the people, oversee the programmes and manage Broken Spokes financial resources to achieve a successful and
impactful organisation.


We are looking for someone with strong leadership skills and a strategic mindset.They will be confident working in a grassroot organisation, with a strong understanding of the pressures and challenges of the sector.

Key responsibilities:

● Strategy and Business Development
○ Lead on implementing and developing our Strategy and Business Plan,
enabling Broken Spoke to continue moving onto a more secure financial footing;
○ Develop new work streams where possible, in particular to strengthen
our work to break down barriers to cycling and train bike mechanics
from communities that are under-represented in cycling, e.g. people of
colour, women and LGBTQIA+ people;
○ Support the Communication & Marketing Lead in holding and developing our relationships with partners, and build new partnerships and relationships that support Broken Spokes Strategies; and
○ Attend a monthly board meeting every month, held in the evening.

● Fundraising and Financial Oversight
○ Support the Communication & Marketing Lead in identifying and
bringing in funds required by Broken Spoke to help grow the
business in line with our Strategy;
○ Oversee our finances, working with and supporting our Treasurer,
Bookkeeper (Finance Lead) and the Core Team in achieving our
financial aims and goals; and
○ Support the Core Team with identifying, monitoring and working with
KPI’s to ensure optimal productivity within their programmes.

● People
○ Line manage the Core Team and Finance Lead, and support with all
aspects of the People lifecycle including recruitment, onboarding,
offboarding etc.;
○ With support from the Board, oversee the Circle System and ensure
its effective implementation and use;
○ Coordinate staff training and development and encourage effective
working patterns both individually and collectively, a healthy working
culture, and a focus on physical and mental wellbeing across the staff
○ Support the Core Team in managing their teams and supporting our volunteers;
○ With support from the Board, implement and follow people
related policies; and
○ Manage Internal Communications including volunteers and members.

● Governance & Compliance

○ Report to the Board on operational, financial, and People developments and maintain and develop effective internal communication channels and accountability pathways between the Board and staff team and manage staff representation on the Board;

○ Support the Communication & Marketing Lead with managing and cultivating
Broken Spoke’s membership;
○ Support the Board to ensure that Broken Spoke fulfills all of its legal
and statutory requirements and with other project-based work as needed; and
○ Along with the relevant individuals who may also share the building,
take responsibility for Environment, Health & Safety and Fire within
Broken Spoke areas.

● Miscellaneous
○ Responsible for the day to day running of the Broken Spoke premises
and liaising with Aspire on Premises related topics.

In addition to their specific role, all our core team members:
● Carry out a share of administrative and office management tasks in the team
such as: monitoring organisational inboxes/phone line, using our online
bookings systems, tidying the office;
● Attend regular team meetings and staff/board ‘Strategy Days’ (twice per year);
● Contribute to the work of those in other roles as requested where this aligns
with your skills and capacity; and
● Work collaboratively with the other members of the core staff team, the casual staff
team, the board and the volunteers as needed/appropriate to carry out your
responsibilities, and to communicate and work in a manner that upholds our
anti-oppression ethos.


Skills/Experience Required

We expect the applicant to meet most of the essentials listed here and some of the desirables. Nobody meets everything! We have no specific education requirements, and experience can be in a paid or unpaid context.

● You have experience of line managing staff and leading other aspects of HR
management (including managing recruitments, training & development and
implementing and updating workplace policies, leading a team or working
● You are organised and have experience with strategy development and
delivery for a project or organisation.
● You have experience of leading change management processes.
● You are confident with financial reporting and analysis.
● You have experience with business development and partnership relationship
● You have experience with fundraising
● You are an excellent communicator.
● You are self-motivated and a ‘do-er’, and you are able to prioritise and get
stuff done independently.
● You are able to work some evenings and weekends when required to perform
the responsibilities in your role.

● You have experience of being part of a social change or values-led project /
● You have experience of writing grant applications.
● You have experience of coordinating or working with volunteers.
● You have worked in an organisation with Safeguarding policies and processes
in place, for the protection of children and young people and/or of vulnerable
● You have experience of working in, or being on the board of a cooperative or
other charitable organisation, and are excited about cooperative governance
● You have experience of anti-oppression work, for example working to support
people who are often excluded from a particular context to participate and
thrive in that context.
● You are passionate about active travel, and cycling.

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