Singlespeed / Fixed Gear Bike (

Singlespeed bikes are bikes with only one gear. Favoured as a winter bike by club cyclists for decades, the charm of the humble singlespeed lies in its simplicity. One gear means less maintenance, higher durability and less to go wrong. However, it is also worth noting that riding in one gear puts considerably more stress on the few drivetrain components that are present, not to mention the rider's knees.
Fixed gear bicycles are similar, but do not feature the freewheel mechanism that allows you to move forward on other bikes without pedalling. Originally popular with bicycle couriers in the 1980s and 1990s, who praised the bikes for their "zen" ride quality whereby you can speed up, slow down and even stop the bike using only your legs, fixed gear bikes became highly fashionable in major cities the world over in the noughties.
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